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Single O/P (to 30W & 40KV)

Advanced Energy presents its robust line of standard-size, high voltage power supplies, thoughtfully designed to meet diverse needs. Our regulated unipolar DC-DC converters can deliver up to 40 kV, with available capacities of 4 W, 15 W, 20 W, and 30 W. Enhanced with versatile mounts and interfaces, they are optimized for superior efficiency.

Technische Dokumentation

Titel Typ
Ultravolt 30A - 40A Series Datasheet (641 KB)
Advanced Control and Monitoring with UltraVolt -I5 and -I10 Control Interface Options Application Note (695 KB) Anwendungshinweis
C Series Product Notes (289 KB) Anwendungshinweis
Derating of Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors in High Voltage Power Supplies Application Note (202 KB) Anwendungshinweis
Electrical Termination and Mounting Configurations of High Voltage Power Supplies Application Notes (307 KB) Anwendungshinweis
Electrosurgery Application Note (300 KB) Anwendungshinweis
High Voltage Output-Current Monitor Application Note (268 KB) Anwendungshinweis
Interfacing with High Voltage Power Supplies: A, AA, C, 10A-25A, 30A-40A, and F Series (TN-2) (617 KB) Anwendungshinweis
Interfacing with the High Voltage E Series Application Note (383 KB) Anwendungshinweis
Life Science Application Note (305 KB) Anwendungshinweis
Medical Imaging Application Note (261 KB) Anwendungshinweis
Medical Lasers and Aesthetic Equipment Application Note (337 KB) Anwendungshinweis
Parallel Operation of UltraVolt HVPS Application Note (417 KB) Anwendungshinweis
Performing Isolation Tests on High Voltage Power Supplies Application Note (426 KB) Anwendungshinweis
Protection of High Voltage Power Supplies in Single and Multiple Applications Application Note (399 KB) Anwendungshinweis
Thermal Management of High Voltage Power Supplies (289 KB) Anwendungshinweis
UltraVolt HVPS Polarity Reversing Configurations Application Note (325 KB) Anwendungshinweis
Embedded Power (5 MB) Broschüre
HVPS Overview Brochure (735 KB) Broschüre
Medical Power Supplies Brochure (11 MB) Broschüre
Rapid Modification & Value-Added Engineering Solutions (2 MB) Broschüre
Advanced medical power supplies for pulsed field ablation system (808 KB) Fallstudie
Electroporation Instrumentation Power Supply Case Study (279 KB) Fallstudie
HV Power Supply MRI Machines Case Study (486 KB) Fallstudie
The Ultravolt AA Series (563 KB) Datenblatt
UltraVolt -F Option Ripple Stripper Accessory Data Sheet (1 MB) Datenblatt
UltraVolt 10A Series Data Sheet (665 KB) Datenblatt
UltraVolt 15A Series Data Sheet (554 KB) Datenblatt
UltraVolt 1LE to 15LE Series Data Sheet (599 KB) Datenblatt
UltraVolt 20A and 25A Data Sheet (643 KB) Datenblatt
UltraVolt 20LE to 30LE Series Data Sheet (586 KB) Datenblatt
UltraVolt A Series Data Sheet (643 KB) Datenblatt
UltraVolt C Series Data Sheet (493 KB) Datenblatt
UltraVolt E Series Data Sheet (469 KB) Datenblatt
UltraVolt I5-I10 Options Accessory Data Sheet (1006 KB) Datenblatt
Medical Power Supplies Selector Guide (320 KB) Diagramme und Schaubilder
1LE to 15LE Series Model Drawing (199 KB) Zeichnung
20LE to 30LE Series Model Drawing (101 KB) Zeichnung
AA Series I5/I10 Drawing (38 KB) Zeichnung
E Series Power Supply Drawing (720 KB) Zeichnung
Medical Equipment Power Supplies Checklist (917 KB) Infografik

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