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TEGAM Opens Office in China

Veröffentlicht April 27, 2010

Advanced Energy's TEGAM, which designs, manufactures and supports a wide variety of electronic test, measurement and calibration instruments, is pleased to announce it has opened a new National Sales Office in Beijing, China. The strategic location of the office and the addition of key staff will enable TEGAM to better serve its existing customers in China. At full staff, the office will employ several people in sales and technical support capabilities. The Country Manager for the new office is Xuehua (Kevin) Zhang. Xuehua brings with him over 10 years of sales experience in China with electronic measurement instrumentation. Prior to joining TEGAM, he was Keithley Instruments’ Beijing Office Manager. He has been successful selling into the electronics manufacturing, aerospace, defense, wireless and semiconductor industries. He is a graduate of Beijing Polytechnic University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Automation. Applications/Sales Engineer, Tom Ge, has been hired to work directly with customers to meet their measurement challenges using TEGAM products. Mr. Ge has eight years of experience in product development, application support and sales. For five years he worked at Keithley Instruments in both DC and RF Instrumentation. He is a graduate of Nanjing University of Science and Technology with a specialty in radar systems. “China is a significant and growing market for TEGAM and the necessity of being directly involved with the day to day needs of our customers greatly influenced the decision to open a sales office”, said Adam R. Fleder, President of TEGAM. “We are very pleased with the addition of both Mr. Zhang and Mr. Ge to the TEGAM team and look forward to using their knowledge and experience to better serve our customers.”

For more information, contact us or visit our website.

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Über Advanced Energy

Advanced Energy Industries, Inc. (Nasdaq: AEIS) ist ein weltweit führendes Unternehmen in der Entwicklung und Herstellung von hochentwickelten, präzisen Energieumwandlungs-, Mess- und Steuerungslösungen für unternehmenskritische Anwendungen und Prozesse. Die Energielösungen von Advanced Energy ermöglichen den Kunden Innovationen in komplexen Anwendungen für ein breites Spektrum von Branchen, darunter Halbleiterausrüstung, industrielle Produktion, Medizin und Biowissenschaften, Datencenter, Netzwerke und Telekommunikation. Mit technischem Know-how und reaktionsschnellem Service und Support für Kunden auf der ganzen Welt baut das Unternehmen Kooperationspartnerschaften auf, um dem technologischen Fortschritt gerecht zu werden, das Wachstum seiner Kunden voranzutreiben und die Zukunft der Energieversorgung innovativ zu gestalten. Advanced Energy widmet sich seit vier Jahrzehnten der Perfektionierung der Energieversorgung. Der Hauptsitz des Unternehmens befindet sich in Denver, Colorado, USA.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter www.advancedenergy.com.

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