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Technical Communities & TEGAM Sign Government Services Partnership

Veröffentlicht Juni 21, 2011

Technical Communities, Inc., the company technical organizations who sell to the government rely on for proven go-to-market solutions to grow sales, lower costs and reduce risks, today announced a new government services partnership agreement with  Advanced Energy's TEGAM, an internationally recognized developer of RF measurement and calibration systems. The partnership agreement authorizes Technical Communities to distribute and market TEGAM’s test, measurement and calibration instrumentation. Some top products include:

  • PM Series 50 GHz Power Sensor Calibration System
  • 2300 Series Amplifiers for Arbitrary Waveform Generators
  • 4040A PXI Instrumentation Amplifier and Signal Conditioner
  • 1750/BAT Portable Microohmmeter that replaces the Keithley 580
  • AVM-2000 Isolated Nanovolt Null Meter

“The partnership with Technical Communities will allow  Advanced Energy's TEGAM to continue to grow the customer base and reach additional federal buyers,” said Adam Fleder, President of TEGAM, Inc. “Technical Communities is excited to offer the federal government an even broader array of RF microwave and calibration instruments,” said Peter Ostrow, President and CEO of Technical Communities. “With Technical Communities’ expertise in the federal market, we are excited to help TEGAM achieve greater reach into government purchasing organizations.”  Advanced Energy's TEGAM products are under General Services Administration (GSA) Multiple Award Schedules (MAS) managed by Technical Communities, which will provide content, transaction, marketing, sales support, and reporting services around them. Technical Communities also will provide presentation and order processing through the GSA’s e-commerce web site, www.gsaadvantage.gov, and the company’s own online marketplaces, www.gsamart.comwww.testmart.com, and www.navicpmart.com. About Technical Communities Companies who sell to the government rely on Technical Communities for proven go-to-market solutions to grow sales, lower costs and reduce risks. Technical Communities’ contracting expertise and powerful technology solutions enable organizations to more effectively manage contracts, sales, marketing and procurement. Technical Communities has offices in the California’s Silicon Valley and the Washington, DC area. The company is owner and operator of marketplaces www.gsamart.comwww.testmart.comwww.navicpmart.comwww.eurekaspot.com, and government business and procurement content network. For more information, visit www.technicalcommunities.com.

For more information, contact us or visit our website.

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Advanced Energy Industries, Inc. (Nasdaq: AEIS) ist ein weltweit führendes Unternehmen in der Entwicklung und Herstellung von hochentwickelten, präzisen Energieumwandlungs-, Mess- und Steuerungslösungen für unternehmenskritische Anwendungen und Prozesse. Die Energielösungen von Advanced Energy ermöglichen den Kunden Innovationen in komplexen Anwendungen für ein breites Spektrum von Branchen, darunter Halbleiterausrüstung, industrielle Produktion, Medizin und Biowissenschaften, Datencenter, Netzwerke und Telekommunikation. Mit technischem Know-how und reaktionsschnellem Service und Support für Kunden auf der ganzen Welt baut das Unternehmen Kooperationspartnerschaften auf, um dem technologischen Fortschritt gerecht zu werden, das Wachstum seiner Kunden voranzutreiben und die Zukunft der Energieversorgung innovativ zu gestalten. Advanced Energy widmet sich seit vier Jahrzehnten der Perfektionierung der Energieversorgung. Der Hauptsitz des Unternehmens befindet sich in Denver, Colorado, USA.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter www.advancedenergy.com.

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