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SL Power Electronics releases the NGB250

Veröffentlicht April 13, 2020

SL Power Electronics is pleased to announce the official releasing of the NGB250. This product family is developed specifically for next-generation medical and industrial applications and performs at a 25% higher convection power density than competitive products powering at 250 W. Also offered are the Class I and Class II versions.

The NGB250 carries dual safety certification, complying to both Medical (IEC/UL60601-1, 3rd Edition) and Industrial/ITE (IEC/UL62368) safety standards within the same SKU. This is one of the most notable attributes of this family of products and when paired with a design optimized for seamless integration, they stand out as the ultimate solution for virtually any application.

It’s small size of being a 2 x 4 is unique to this product and is an element that differentiates it from competing products as well as the amount of power compacted in this power supply. This is specifically designed to allow for equipment functionality to maximize with using new space. The small but dense product also provides the ability to fit into virtually any application.

SL Power’s next generation is constructed with the highest quality components, such as long-life electrolytic capacitors. In addition, the NGB250 features various output combinations include a 5 V Standby output, remote inhibit via switch closure, power fail/DC ok signal, and meets Class B conducted and radiated EMI with a high degree of margin. Meeting Class B EMI Levels with margin ensures less effort by the system designer to integrate a power supply into the end equipment, which is why the NGB250 was designed to offer 6 db conducted & 3 db radiated EMI margin, further ensuring seamless integration with the end equipment.
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Advanced Energy Industries, Inc. (Nasdaq: AEIS) ist ein weltweit führendes Unternehmen in der Entwicklung und Herstellung von hochentwickelten, präzisen Energieumwandlungs-, Mess- und Steuerungslösungen für unternehmenskritische Anwendungen und Prozesse. Die Energielösungen von Advanced Energy ermöglichen den Kunden Innovationen in komplexen Anwendungen für ein breites Spektrum von Branchen, darunter Halbleiterausrüstung, industrielle Produktion, Medizin und Biowissenschaften, Datencenter, Netzwerke und Telekommunikation. Mit technischem Know-how und reaktionsschnellem Service und Support für Kunden auf der ganzen Welt baut das Unternehmen Kooperationspartnerschaften auf, um dem technologischen Fortschritt gerecht zu werden, das Wachstum seiner Kunden voranzutreiben und die Zukunft der Energieversorgung innovativ zu gestalten. Advanced Energy widmet sich seit vier Jahrzehnten der Perfektionierung der Energieversorgung. Der Hauptsitz des Unternehmens befindet sich in Denver, Colorado, USA.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter www.advancedenergy.com.

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