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MSRZ Series


Reversible, Fast-Switching, and Quadrupole

Obtain reliable performance in challenging conditions. Advanced Energy’s MSRZ series of mass spectrometer power supply modules are ideal for quadrupole mass spectrometer sample ionization and ion detector applications. MSRZ power supplies combine fast-switching, reversible-output voltage, low ripple, and excellent repeatability for precision applications. Customize to meet specific applications requirements and choose from an array of performance features and combinations, which include cable length and connector types.


  • Low ripple on bias and detector supplies
  • Bias four-quadrant output stage
  • Choice of four different models; customer-defined derivatives upon request


  • Three standard models and built-to-order variations available
  • Use in all major mass spectrometry device types that require high stability and resolution
  • Solve for mass spectrometry ion detection performance requirements
  • Select needed high voltage capabilities and reduce costs
  • Enable efficient and reliable operation


출력 전력(W): 3.2
리플(ppm): <15
최대 출력 전류(A): 0.001
출력 전류 범위(mA): 0.35 to 1
출력 전압 범위(V): ±1000 to ±10000

재고 확인

모델 번호
제어 유형 최대 출력 전력(W) 최대 출력 전압(V) 출력 개수 리플(ppm) 온도 계수 출력 유형 샘플 구매
MSRZ-102 Active, 문의하기 Analog / Digital 3.2 1 Multiple 15 25 Reversible 문의하기 구매
MSRZ-103 Active, 문의하기 Analog / Digital 3.2 10 Multiple 15 25 Reversible 문의하기 구매
MSRZ-502 Active, 문의하기 Analog / Digital 3.2 5 Multiple 15 25 Reversible 문의하기 구매

기술 문서

기술 동영상


Model MSRZ Series MSRF Series MSP Series
출력 전력(W) 3.2 1.25 to 3.2 10
리플(ppm) <15 <50 <4
출력 전압 범위(V) ±1000 to ±10000 ±2500 to ±10000 1000 to 20000

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