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SL Power Publishes 2019 Webinar Series Schedule

게시됨 1월 07, 2019

SL Power is pleased to announce the 2019 Webinar series themed, “Together We Power What Matters.” Along with this announcement, SL Power has published a dedicated web page containing related content, a year-long schedule, as well an integrated registration form where individuals can sign up for their webinars of choice. The 2019 Webinar Series consists of four parts. Each part is a new webinar with a different topic.




  1. Power Supply Sales 101 – This webinar introduces the SL Power Organization, goes over the basics of power supplies, provides industry analysis, and much more.
  2. Powering Devices that Save & Sustain Lives – This webinar is dedicated to the Medical Market segment and covers our industry expertise and targeted product offering.
  3. Powering Devices that Enhance your Experience & Enable Precision – This webinar is dedicated to SL Power’s Lighting and Test & Measurement market segments, covering the Company’s long history serving these markets and discussing new and upcoming products targeting Lighting and T&M applications.
  4. Leveraging the Power of World Class Customer Intimacy – This webinar goes over a truly unique value delivered by SL Power, which is world class customer intimacy, from a top-notch customer experience center to support customers throughout the life of their design cycles.


It takes a collaborative team effort to achieve mutually shared goals. Some goals are tactical in nature, while others are more “Big Picture” that broadly define our strategic mission – giving greater meaning to tactical, day to day activities. No matter how mundane or unimportant some of these activities may seem, it’s important to note that they are essential elements of a bigger picture, which can not be realized without all elements coming together in a synergistic way.

With that in mind, SL Power realizes the integral role played by our channel partners. Streamlined collaboration with representatives and distributors is of paramount importance in achieving SL Power’s strategic mission to power devices that Save and Sustain Lives, Enhance your Experience, and Enable Precision.

In light of this, SL Power came to a realization – Together We Power What Matters.™

These webinars primarily target strategic channel partners including distributors and representative organizations. There are essentially two ways for an individual to choose their schedule 1) select a full track or 2) create a custom schedule.


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