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New High Performance Resistance Measurement Instrument Released

게시됨 10월 09, 2012

Advanced Energy's TEGAM 1740 Milliohm Resistance Meter Makes Accurate Measurements Fast

Resistance meter doesn’t force users to choose between accuracy and speed

The Advanced Energy's TEGAM 1740 Milliohm Resistance Meter offers a powerful combination of accuracy and speed performance. In Fast Mode, the 1740 can make 100 readings per second with an accuracy of 0.05%. The combination of accuracy and high measurement speed allows users to improve throughput with higher yields in resistor, wire, fuse, thermistor, trimmer and contact-resistance testing applications. The 1740 achieves such high accuracy by using TEGAM’s proven microohm measurement technology. Patented circuitry rejects thermal and line noise, while compensating for thermal and electromagnetic measurement errors caused by contact between device handlers and the device under test. In delayed mode, the 1740 is even more accurate, making up to 27 measurements/second at an accuracy of 0.02%. The 1740 provides users with ten different ranges from 20 milliohm to 20 megohm full scale. On the 20 milliohm range, the resolution is 1 micro-ohm. Easy to Use, Easy to Integrate, Easy to Calibrate In addition to being fast and accurate, the 1740 is very easy to use. On the bench, technicians can quickly configure the instrument via the front panel. Clearly labeled multifunction keys provide front panel control of range selection, reading modes, delays, triggers and measurement HOLD. Clear menu driven options provide easy setup for more sophisticated operation. Front panel calibration makes it easy to maintain the 1740 traceability right on the product floor and in less time than it takes to reload a resistor reel. For computer-controlled test applications, the 1740/GPIB can be programmed via and data collected from the instrument’s GPIB, RS-232, or RS-422 interfaces. To maximize programming efficiency, programs use the same programming command set and front panel indicators no matter which interface they use.

For more information, contact us or visit our website.


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