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Agility EMS Partners with SL Power Electronics

게시됨 5월 07, 2021

Agility EMS Partners with SL Power Electronics to Offer AC/DC power conversion solutions used by Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) in their most mission-critical applications.

Minneapolis, Minnesota—Agility EMS has partnered with SL Power Electronics to offer a new line of high-performance internal power supplies and desktop/wall-mount power supplies with a broad range of customized connector components. With these new products added to its catalog, Agility EMS’s medical and industrial customers will have access to world-class electromechanical components as well as valued-added, no-cost current compliance checks.

SL Power Electronics is a global leader in power supplies for the industrial, medical, and LED lighting power markets. SL Power Electronics offers 10-watt to 3,000-watt internal power supplies as well as a broad range of Level VI Tier 2 6-watt to 240-watt external power supplies. The company was formed in 2006, when two powerhouses of power conversion merged. Ault was an industry leader in the design and manufacture of rugged external power supplies. Condor dominated the internal power supply market. Now a single brand, SL Power Electronics products offer superior performance and durability for both internal and external applications.

SL Power Electronics connectors and power supplies will help our medical and industrial customers find lasting solutions for their power supply needs and avoid costly phantom power drains. To top it all off, our recently redesigned Customer Experience Center delivers an unprecedented level of capability for customers, which includes full range pre-compliance testing capability and allows us to support you throughout the entirety of your product development cycle. Value-added service will help our customers find cost-effective, compliant power supply solutions.

Current and new customers can learn more about SL Power Electronics products by contacting an Agility EMS representative at 1 (800) 592-9519 or on our website at https://agilityems.com.

About Agility EMS

Agility EMS is your customized electro-mechanical component and value-added partner proactively delivering complete lifecycle solutions to meet your engineering and commercial requirements. We strive to satisfy all of our stakeholders and make the world a better place by servicing our customers and community. Agility EMS is a leading provider dedicated to serving customers within, but not limited to, the transportation, power, industrial, medical and biomedical equipment segments.

For more information about Agility EMS, follow the company on LinkedIn, Facebook or contact info@AgilityEMS.com.


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