
Artesyn Adds 72 New Models to Rail DC-DC Converter Module Family

投稿 5月 25, 2017

Tempe, Ariz. [25 May, 2017] — Artesyn Embedded Technologies today added 72 new models to its ERM family of dc-dc converter modules designed to meet the power demands and safety standard requirements of railway rolling stock applications. Covering 10 and 20 watt power output ratings, each series includes models with single 5 V, 12 V, 15 V, 24 V, or dual +/- 12 V or +/- 15 V outputs and input ranges of 9 Vdc to 36Vdc, 18 Vdc to 75 Vdc or 40 Vdc to 160 Vdc.

Encapsulated in a 1-inch by 2-inch DIP package (25.4 x 50.8), the ERM family is protected from atmospheric conditions without additional conformal coating. The dc-dc converter modules have a wide operating temperature range of minus 40 degrees Celsius to 85 degrees Celsius with derating. An optional heat sink can help heat dissipation and improve performance at high operating temperatures.

A reinforced insulation system with 3000 Vac RMS I/O isolation, combined with high EMC immunity, qualifies these new dc-dc converters for the many demanding embedded power applications in railway and other transportation systems. It is ideal for rolling stock applications such as engine management, traction control, door control, video surveillance, communications, entertainment, lighting and other on-board electrical equipment.

The first two series in the ERM family, the ERM75 and ERM50, offer 75 W and 50 W maximum power output respectively. Artesyn’s new ERM family builds on an existing portfolio of standard AC-DC and DC-DC power conversion products that are already widely used in rail control and infrastructure applications, such as signaling, control systems, access control, ticketing, RFID and information displays.

Artesyn has published a video training module that introduces railway applications and the company’s relevant solutions.



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