
TEGAM Releases Battery-Powered Microohmmeter

投稿 9月 01, 2012

TEGAM, Inc. has expanded its line of microohmmeters with the development of the Model 1750/BAT.

Based on the design of the highly successful Model 1750, this battery-powered microohmmeter version fills a need in the aerospace industry to replace the discontinued Keithley 580 for testing electrical and mechanical bonds. Aerospace industry professionals evaluated many alternatives and concluded that the TEGAM 1750/BAT was vastly superior in accuracy, and their first choice to replace the Keithley 580 Micro-Ohmmeter. One evaluator remarked “Working with TEGAM was a pleasant experience and they adapted the 1750 to meet our needs.”

The Model 1750/BAT has an internal Lithium Ion battery pack sized to run for a full day of typical use. The recharge time is 8 hours with an input voltage range of 90 to 250 VAC, 50-400 Hz. The 1750/BAT has measurement ranges from 2 mO to 20 MO with a resolution as low as 100 nO while automatically correcting for offset errors common in low resistance circuits. Additionally, there are a wide range of probe styles offered to make proper measurements in a diverse set of circumstances.

“We are excited about filling this need with a proven instrument such as the 1750, states Adam Fleder, President of TEGAM, Inc. “Microohmmeters are a specialty of TEGAM where we continue to invest in improved measurements and techniques to benefit our customers.”

For more information, contact us here.



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