
SL Power Electronics Exhibits at the Horticulture Lighting Conference

投稿 10月 14, 2018

SL Power Electronics recently exhibited at the Horticulture Lighting Conference for the first time in the company’s history. The event took place on October 9th at the Downtown Portland Hilton Hotel located in the heart of Portland, Oregon.

As its name suggests, the conference was focused on horticulture lighting applications and offered attendees industry relevant seminars and networking sessions throughout the daylong event.

SL Power’s full lineup of their latest and greatest power conversion solutions were on full display. The two all-stars were the LE500 and LEH600, which were specifically designed for the horticulture lighting market. These product families are not only rich in features but are 30% lighter and 30% smaller than other power supplies in their class. In addition, they deliver all-round superior performance when stacked against the competition in terms of Thermal Management, Reliability, EMI/EMC, Power Density and Power Efficiency.

“The Horticultural Lighting Conference travels to Portland, Oregon in 2018 to explore the use of horticultural lighting in the North American grower and manufacturer markets. Connecting research and technology to end-user applications, the Horticultural Lighting Conference’s U.S. edition focuses on the latest trends, techniques and technologies impacting the advancement of the market, plus provides key insights into harnessing the opportunities in this emerging sector.”

For more information visit: https://horticulturelightingconference.com/usa/

Attendance Overview:

Attendance: 365 professionals

Countries represented: USA, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Mexico, Netherlands, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom

Sponsors and table top exhibitors: 29 companies (limited space)

The SL Power Team at the Horticulture Lighting Conference:

Shri Chandrasekharan Global Product Management & Marketing Director
Ron Cunningham North American Sales Director
Ernest Grechanik MarCom Manager
Rojan Karmacharya Field Application Engineer



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