SL Power Electronics Co-Exhibits with ACAL at COMPAMED 2018
投稿 11月 26, 2018
SL Power Electronics participated at this year’s COMPAMED trade show, co-exhibiting with ACAL, a strategic regional distributor. The event took place at the Messe Düsseldorf in Germany from November 12th to the 15th.
During the 4-day trade fair, SL Power showcased their latest and greatest power conversion solutions for Medical applications that Save and Sustain Lives.
“MEDICA and COMPAMED have always had a high degree of international impact, and this remains their trump card. Top decision makers from around the world come together here and see the huge breadth of what we have on offer, which is the international frontrunner and has yet to be beaten”, Joachim Schäfer, Managing Director of Messe Düsseldorf, said, summing up the world’s biggest medical trade fair and the international leading specialist trade fair for the supplier market for the medical technology industry. Of a total of 123,500 professional visitors, over 60% came from countries outside Germany, from 130 different countries. Among these were visitor groups with members who were the top of their field, from China, India, Columbia and Nepal, along with visitor groups from the most important markets for medical technology in Europe who have attended for years and years.
For more information please visit:
The SL Power Team at COMPAMED:
Paul Kingsepp | Global Product Manager |
Benjamin Fang | APAC Sales Manager |
Thomas Chen | Field Applications Engineer |

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