
New Cover Option for MU425 & TU425 Models Enable OEMs to Enhance Product Safety

投稿 3月 26, 2019

SL Power Electronics, an industry leader in the design and manufacture of power conversion solutions, today announced a new optional cover feature for models of the MU425 & TU425 product families. Utilizing a high-performance U-channel chassis design, the TU425 delivers 425W of power and considered the ideal solution for specialized industrial equipment that must consistently deliver optimal performance regardless of circumstances – even in harsh environments where AC power may be noisy or even unstable. The MU425 product family delivers this same world-class performance to the medical market for applications developed to save and sustain lives.

The MU425 and TU425 power supplies measure 3.3 x 6.2 x 1.62 inches (84 x 157.5 x 41 mm) and can deliver up to 425 watts of power with forced air cooling or 300 watts with convection cooling. They accept a universal input range from 90 to 264 Vac and deliver nominal output voltages of 12, 18, 24 and 48 volts (and a 56 volt model in the TU425 series). They provide a 5 V at 2 A standby output and 12 V fan output.

The MU425 series is approved to CSA/EN/IEC/UL60601-1, 3rd Edition offers 2xMOPP isolation and meets EN61000-4-2, EN61000-4-3 and EN61000-4-6 requirements for home healthcare applications. It is one of SL Power’s range of medical power supplies for equipment that saves and sustains lives.

The TU425 series is approved to CSA/EN/IEC/UL60950-1, 2nd Edition is compliant to high levels of EMC per EN61000-4 and meets Class B conducted EMI with 6db margin and Class A radiated EMI with 3db margin. It is one of SL Power’s range of critical industrial, test and measurement power supplies for equipment that enables precision.

These safety approvals and EMI/EMC characteristics make it easier for OEMs to integrate SL Power’s MU425 and TU425 power supplies into their end products. An optional cover enables OEMs to enhance the safety of their products, particularly if that equipment is serviced in the field and service personnel needs to be protected from a live power supply.

MU425S.jpgMU425 Family
  • 3.3” X6.2” x 1.62” Package
  • 5V at 2A Standby Output
  • 12V Fan Output
  • 3-Years Warranty
TU425.jpgTU425 Family
  • 3.3” x 6.2” x 1.62” Package
  • 5V at 2A Isolated Standby Output
  • Rugged 425W Single Output
  • 3 Years Warranty

The MU425 and TU425 families are available from SL Power’s worldwide network of authorized distributors




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