
New Artesyn 12kW Module for iHP Digital Configurable High Power System Can Replace Four Individual Modules at Significantly Lower Cost

投稿 5月 02, 2019

Tempe, Ariz. [02 May, 2019] — Artesyn Embedded Technologies today announced a new three-slot 50 volt/12 kilowatt module for its iHP Digital Configurable High Power System, which enables users to save a slot and achieve a single high power output at much lower cost than was previously possible. Until now, users who needed a single 12 kW output for their equipment would have used four single slot 3 kW modules in parallel, but this new module occupies three slots, saving a slot for other output modules and offering a significant cost saving.

Users can customize the outputs of Artesyn’s iHP series configurable intelligent high power system to suit their exact application requirements from a range of standard modules provided by Artesyn. The TW module offers a nominal 50 V output, adjustable from 2.5 to 60 volts. It is ideal for applications requiring one higher power output with multiple additional outputs, which can be configured between 0.12 and 300 V using existing iHP modules, enabling almost limitless output power configurations.

Artesyn’s iHP series configurable intelligent high power system is designed for a wide range of medical and industrial applications. It has also been adopted for a range of horticultural lighting applications, where it can provide a remote power source for LED light fixtures, replacing multiple individual LED drivers and saving installation and annual energy costs.

The iHP power system offers developers either an analog or digital interface to their system, supporting standard communications protocols, including CANbus, Ethernet and RS485. Digital control enables the use of Artesyn’s high level PowerPro software graphical user interface (GUI) to control and monitor all functions on one or multiple iHP systems. The PowerPro GUI also incorporates graphical script creation that allows users to write their own process control routines.

Artesyn Configurable Power Supplies

The iHP series is just one line in Artesyn’s portfolio of configurable power supplies, which are renowned for their outstanding performance and reliability and for being cost effective.Artesyn’s ConfigPro™ online power supply configurator helps customers find the optimal solution from the three million plus combinations enabled by its range of configurable power supplies. The ConfigPro tool makes it easier for industrial and medical equipment designers to specify and use configurable power supplies and can, in many cases, eliminate the need for expensive custom solutions.



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