
Introducing the TE150 Class II External Power Supply

投稿 4月 12, 2018

SL Power has released a Class II input variant of its TE150 external power supply, which means this compact unit requires no earth ground connection. This makes it ideal for use in a range of applications where earth ground is not available.

IEC protection Class II power supplies have a 2-pin input receptacle, IEC60320 C8 or C18 type.

There is either a double or reinforced insulation barrier between the input and the output. Many mobile phone chargers and laptop power supplies are Class II. Products designed with Class II insulation often are labeled as ‘Class II’ or ‘double insulated’ or will have the concentric square symbol on the safety label.
The TE150 series is already a feature-packed power supply thanks to Level VI efficiency and its compliance with the heavy industrial levels of EN6100-4-x standards for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). SL Power has also improved the electromagnetic interference (EMI) performance of the TE series, which already meets Class B conducted and radiated EMI per FCC Part 15, EN55015, CISPR15, with margin. Add to that a long lifespan, thanks to premium electrolytic capacitors (e-caps) with greater than 10-year life at maximum rated power, in a compact 6.5 x 2.8 x 1.5 inch (164 x 72 x 37 mm) heavy-duty plastic enclosure, and you have a 150-W desktop adapter that is hard to beat.

The TE150 series is stocked with a 6-pin Molex type connector and is also available with over 23 standard output connector options.

Interested in learning more about the TE150? CLICK HERE to access the product page where you will find more detailed information.



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