
Artesyn DIN Rail Unit First to Achieve Silver Level 80 PLUS Certification in First-Ever Energy Efficiency Standard for 115V Industrial Power Supplies

投稿 10月 21, 2014

Ecova Announces First-Ever Energy Efficiency Standard for Industrial Power Supplies

Industrial power supplies that qualify for 80 PLUS® certification are expected to save $88 million annually

Spokane, WA— October  22, 2014— Ecova, the total energy and sustainability management company, today announces a new 80 PLUS certification for 115V industrial power supplies, physical units that power industrial applications by converting AC power into DC power. The new certification encourages greater efficiencies in the industrial market by recognizing and rewarding manufacturers that achieve a premium efficiency rating and enabling customers to compare and contrast power supplies based on established criteria. This improved efficiency is expected to save $88 million annually in conserved energy.

The Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) recently commissioned a study by Ecova and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), which found that industrial power supplies typically operate at only 26 percent of their rated power and at those levels especially, there was a significant opportunity to improve operating efficiency. NEEA is currently evaluating the best market intervention strategy for improved performance in industrial power supplies.

Artesyn Embedded Technologies, a manufacturer of power conversion and embedded computing systems, is the first to achieve the Silver level 80 PLUS certification for their model, ADN20-24-1PM-C, which is used for large-scale industrial applications, such as semiconductor fabrication and conveyer systems. The 80 PLUS certification requires industrial power supplies to be 80 percent energy efficient or greater. These industrial power supplies refer to those used for medical and instrumentation purposes, industrial and building controls and automation, test and measurement applications, or for any other system that depends on sophisticated electronics. The power supply units can be any physical form and the certifications are available in silver, gold and platinum badges.

“We’re proud to be the first company to achieve the 80 PLUS certification for our industrial power supplies,” said Chris Jones, director of marketing, power solutions, Artesyn Embedded Technologies. “Not only does this show our commitment to the environment, but also our dedication to help customers optimize power usage and reduce operational and energy costs.”

“Announcing the first ever efficiency standard for industrial power supplies is a major milestone for Ecova and the 80 PLUS program,” said Ted Schultz, senior vice president of utility solutions at Ecova. “We are operating in a new economy; one where energy efficiency, cost savings and sustainability are rising in priority for consumers and companies across all industries. By providing 80 PLUS certified industrial power supplies, companies like Artesyn are leading the way and making it easier for customers to reduce energy usage costs and minimize their impact on the environment.”

The 80 PLUS program has expanded significantly since the first specification was introduced nearly a decade ago to promote and increase adoption of the most energy-efficient technology products available to the market. There are currently more than 250 companies that manufacture 80 PLUS power supplies for computers, data center servers, data storage, networking and now industrial applications, and more than 5,000 models certified with the number rising each year. For more information on the 80 PLUS program and certified products, please visit plugloadsolutions.com.

About Ecova
Ecova is the total energy and sustainability management company whose sole purpose is to see more, save more, and sustain more for its clients. Using insights based on consumption, cost and carbon footprint data spanning thousands of utilities, hundreds of thousands of business sites and millions of households, Ecova provides fully managed, technology-optimized solutions for saving resources, which in turn increase returns, lower risks, and enhance reputations. Ecova is a subsidiary of Cofely, the leading brand of GDF SUEZ Energy Services. For more information, visit the company’s website at ecova.com, on LinkedIn at linkd.in/ecovainc, or follow Ecova on Twitter at @ecovainc.



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