
Artesyn Announces New Platinum Efficiency 2000 W Front End Power Supply for Server and Storage Applications

投稿 9月 15, 2016

Tempe, Ariz. [15 September, 2016] — Artesyn Embedded Technologies today announced the new DS2000SPE ac-dc power supply, the latest addition to a product family designed with a consistent and scalable form/fit/function beginning at 495 W up to 2000 W continuous at high line. This means that customers can keep their mechanical designs when moving from 495 W up to 2000 W. As with other family variants, this front end 12 Vdc power supply features a very wide 90 to 264 Vac input voltage range and combines ultra-high 80plus platinum rated efficiency of 94 percent peak at 50 percent load and an industry-leading power density of 50.7 W per cubic inch (3.1 W per cubic cm).

The DS2000SPE series employs active power factor correction delivering a high power factor of 0.9 beginning at 20 percent load to minimize input harmonic current distortion.

These power supplies feature active ac inrush control, to automatically limit inrush current at turn-on to 50 A maximum and the active current sharing feature enables these power supplies to be connected in parallel to provide higher load current or redundancy. 

The power supply’s nominal +12 Vdc payload output is digitally programmable and is PMBus communications compliant with Class A + 6 dB margin conducted/radiated EMI and RoHS certification.

Other units in the family, following the same form/fit/function are available with -48 Vdc input, including the DS500SDC and DS1100SDC.

The DS2000SPE is environmentally rugged with an operating temperature of up to 50 degrees Celsius and a maximum operational altitude of 5000 meters. Units are housed in a standard 1U package and come with a two-year manufacturer’s warranty.



アドバンストエナジーインダストリーズ社(Nasdaq: AEIS)は、ミッションクリティカルなアプリケーションやプロセス向けの高度に設計された高精度電力変換、計測、制御ソリューションの設計および製造における世界的リーダーです。アドバンスドエナジーのパワーソリューションは、半導体装置、工業生産、医療、ライフサイエンス、データセンターコンピューティング、ネットワーキング、テレコミュニケーションなど、幅広い産業分野の複雑なアプリケーションにおける顧客の技術革新を可能にします。エンジニアリングのノウハウと、世界中のお客様への迅速なサービスとサポートにより、当社は技術の進歩に対応するための協力的パートナーシップを構築し、お客様の成長を促進し、電力の未来を革新します。アドバンストエナジーは40年にわたり、電力の完成に力を注いできました。本社は米国コロラド州デンバーにあります。


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