
Thyro-PX DC Power Controller


Enhanced SCR Power Controller for All DC Rectifier Applications

Enhanced SCR Power Controller for All DC Rectifier Applications. Developed with the highest degree of reliability and state-of-the-art driven technology, the Thyro-PX DC series of digital SCR power controllers are designed for all DC rectifier applications. The series supports multiple operating voltages and control modes. 
  • Available up to 1800 A DC Current
  • Air-cooled rectifier type with modular 6 pulses stack (B6C) and extendable for 12 and 18 pulses parallel operation for higher power and less DC ripple
  • Large 2.8 in (71.1 mm) LED graphic display with an integrated process data recorder and SD card
  • Multiple I/O options, with integrated memory for error tracking and energy consumption


  • Modular stack system in B6C configuration, suitable to design B12; B18 DC systems
  • Air-cooled options available with water-cooled options available on request
  • Easy integration and configuration for B12; B18 application
  • Multiple I/O and I/O module options
  • Available Thyro-Tool Pro PC software via micro-USB interface
  • Integrated Thyro-Touch display


  • Utilize higher power and less DC ripple
  • Leverage constant current and/or voltage regulation with ±1% accuracy
  • Precisely regulate power, including load management, for optimal control and energy consumption
  • Intuitively set up and commission using an integrated touch-screen display


频率(赫兹): 47 to 63
保险丝: Integrated semiconductor fuse
运行模式: Phase-Angle
安全认证: CE
DigitalPresence.Products.DetailPage.SpecificationTable.Headers.RatedVoltagesDc: 248 to 752
额定电压交流(伏): 184 to 550
额定直流电流 (A): 1000 to 1800
通信接口: USB interface for Thyro-Tool Software
RS232 interface for Thyro-Touch Display


Thyro-Touch Display

Integrated Process Data Recording with Easy Operation via Touch Display

Thyro-Touch Frame Kit

Frame Kit for display front door assembly

Thyro Anybus Module - EtherNet/IP

Communication Module Adds EtherNet/IP Interface

Thyro Anybus Module - Profibus

Communication Module Adds the Profibus Interface

Thyro Anybus Module - Profinet

Communication Module Adds Profinet Interface

Thyro Anybus Module - Modbus

Communication Module Adds Modbus TCP Interface

Thyro Tool Pro

Thyro Tool software is custom software made for Thyro SCR Power Controllers




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Agreement Term Options

Service Agreements

Reduce annual maintenance costs and simplify forecasting by building a custom service agreement into your annual operating plan. We have the capability, expertise, and capacity to provide repair services, upgrades, refurbishments, exchange, and other service offerings to support maintenance and use of AE Products. We offer multi-year contracts and provide faster turnaround time for covered products.

Agreement Term Options


Extend product life and reduce mean time between failure by replacing time-dependent components during reactive or preventative maintenance. Get the performance you would expect at the time of original manufacture for a fraction of the cost of a new unit


Replace existing, aged, discontinued, or unrepairable devices of any make and model with a new, drop-in solution, which is transparent from a specification and operation standpoint.

Field services and On-Site Training

Our field service engineers are available to support your on-site needs. We can properly secure and mount products, hook up your electrical connections, validate alignment and calibrate, and test to your specifications.

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Code added on 30 Aug 24

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