
Advanced Energy GROWINSIGHT™ Platform Simplifies Management and Reduces Costs in Controlled Environment Agriculture

投稿 7月 18, 2022

DENVER, Colo., July 18, 2022 — Advanced Energy Industries, Inc. (Nasdaq: AEIS) – a global
leader in highly engineered, precision power conversion, measurement and control solutions –
today announced GROWINSIGHT™ by Advanced Energy, an advanced horticultural monitoring
and control system. Designed to bring the power of cloud computing to Controlled Environment
Agriculture (CEA), this flexible system simplifies monitoring and control, as well as reduces
capital and operating costs.

Fully integrated with Advanced Energy’s power-saving centralized DC power distribution
architecture, GROWINSIGHT allows users to optimize growing conditions by providing a single
system for the control and monitoring of lighting power systems, temperature, CO2, humidity and
PAR (photosynthetic active radiation) sensors, as well as cameras. Secure cloud integration
and local execution ensures that network interruptions do not impact deployed processes and
that growing conditions can be monitored from anywhere.

“GROWINSIGHT addresses grower demands to maximize production while minimizing both
capital and operating expenditure,” said Joe Voyles, vice president marketing, industrial power
conversion products at Advanced Energy. “For example, growers can ensure the best tradeoff
between yield and efficient energy use by leveraging optimized cloud-based lighting schedules
combined with a centralized approach to power distribution.”

In horticultural lighting applications, traditional 0 – 10 V lighting power systems typically only
offer LED dimming control compared to both control and monitoring with GROWINSIGHT.
Conventional 0 - 10 V systems require a device per zone while each GROWINSIGHT controller
can manage multiple lighting zones to reduce hardware expenditure.

Lighting schedules are created and deployed from a cloud environment and executed locally by
a node controller that has a secure, wired connection to the centralized power system. Node
controllers monitor the lighting power system and synchronize status to the site gateway which
then synchronizes data to the cloud. Schedules can be created for any type of LED system and
up to 32 lighting zones, which increases to 64 when used with an intelligent transfer switch
(ITS). Alerts can be set based on environmental sensor feedback or when the system detects

For detailed product information, visit here.



アドバンストエナジーインダストリーズ社(Nasdaq: AEIS)は、ミッションクリティカルなアプリケーションやプロセス向けの高度に設計された高精度電力変換、計測、制御ソリューションの設計および製造における世界的リーダーです。アドバンスドエナジーのパワーソリューションは、半導体装置、工業生産、医療、ライフサイエンス、データセンターコンピューティング、ネットワーキング、テレコミュニケーションなど、幅広い産業分野の複雑なアプリケーションにおける顧客の技術革新を可能にします。エンジニアリングのノウハウと、世界中のお客様への迅速なサービスとサポートにより、当社は技術の進歩に対応するための協力的パートナーシップを構築し、お客様の成長を促進し、電力の未来を革新します。アドバンストエナジーは40年にわたり、電力の完成に力を注いできました。本社は米国コロラド州デンバーにあります。


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