
Advanced Energy’s Configurable, Hot Swappable Power Supplies Simplify Installation of LED Horticultural and Commercial Lighting

投稿 2月 15, 2022

DENVER--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Advanced Energy (Nasdaq: AEIS) – a global leader in highly engineered, precision power conversion, measurement and control solutions – announced the introduction of the LCM4000HV series of configurable power supplies. The new power system features hot swap functionality and simplifies installation, maintenance and scalability of high-volume LED lighting projects such as horticultural and commercial lighting.

Rated for up to 4000 W and operating with efficiencies of up to 95%, the LCM4000HV single-phase AC-DC high voltage power modules combined with the new LCM12K 19” 1U rack mount shelf creates a centralized current source for medium- to large-scale LED lighting installations.

“Indoor growers seeking to reduce costs and maximize their farm productivity are turning to centralized power systems that distribute DC rather than AC power directly to individual LED lamps. This approach can save up to 50 percent of their power conversion expenses,” said Joe Voyles, Vice President of Industrial Power Conversion at Advanced Energy. “In addition to delivering energy savings, the LCM4000HV family accelerates the installation of the power conversion subsystem, provides hot swap functionality, simplifies maintenance and enables rapid scalability.”

The LCM4000HV modules are fully compliant with DesignLights Consortium (DLC) Technical Requirements for Horticultural Lighting (Version 2.1) and can be used with Advanced Energy’s new LCM12K 19” 1U rack mount shelf to deliver power up to 12 kW with hot plug replacement. In horticultural lighting, this combination allows customers to place the power conversion subsystem containing many rack-mounted AC/DC power supplies in a control room outside the growing area.

The modules provide a flicker-free current source from 0 to 16 A at an output voltage range between 100 and 300 VDC. Input voltage options are 187 to 364 VAC and 311 to 528 VAC. Inputs and output voltages are configurable via a Modbus interface, allowing the power supply to be optimized to the specific requirements of the target application. The LCM4000HV family employs variable-speed smart fans with dust control to simplify thermal management and ensure high reliability. Minimum MTBF for the PSUs is 200,000 hours and each module is offered with a five-year warranty.

For detailed product information and technical specifications, visit here.



アドバンストエナジーインダストリーズ社(Nasdaq: AEIS)は、ミッションクリティカルなアプリケーションやプロセス向けの高度に設計された高精度電力変換、計測、制御ソリューションの設計および製造における世界的リーダーです。アドバンスドエナジーのパワーソリューションは、半導体装置、工業生産、医療、ライフサイエンス、データセンターコンピューティング、ネットワーキング、テレコミュニケーションなど、幅広い産業分野の複雑なアプリケーションにおける顧客の技術革新を可能にします。エンジニアリングのノウハウと、世界中のお客様への迅速なサービスとサポートにより、当社は技術の進歩に対応するための協力的パートナーシップを構築し、お客様の成長を促進し、電力の未来を革新します。アドバンストエナジーは40年にわたり、電力の完成に力を注いできました。本社は米国コロラド州デンバーにあります。


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