
What’s the Case for Rounded-Tip Pins for Kelvin Probes?

投稿 7月 16, 2019 によって Advanced Energy Editor

Introducing Advanced Energy's TEGAM BKP-J Tips for Kelvin Probes.

When testing electrical bonds, maintaining the integrity of the surface can be critical. The tips of your probes have a lot to do with preserving that surface finish and integrity. Advanced Energy's TEGAM recognizes that specific applications may require specialized tools that allow the measurement without damaging the surface – that is why we are excited to introduce the new BKP-J rounded tip for Kelvin probes.


Why Rounded Tips on Kelvin Sensor Probes?

An outstanding example of TEGAM’s introduction of rounded tips can be found in aircraft maintenance. When measuring the resistance on an aircraft, especially today’s high-tech fighters, it is important to follow an approved protocol that includes properly removing paints and coatings.  This protocol safeguards against damage and allows for an accurate test of the surface. Sharp, “spear” tip probes have the potential to be misused or to damage a surface, thereby negating the established safe paint removal procedures. Using the BKP-J rounded tips from TEGAM ensures that a technician will follow standard practice in surface preparation and get an accurate four-wire surface resistance measurement using your Kelvin probes, plus your tips will last longer!

Advanced Energy's TEGAM engineers have found that the rounded tips are ideal for use with materials that are prone to scratching, such as auto glass, automobiles, aircraft bodies, railroads and many more surfaces.

For more information on the  Advanced Energy's TEGAM line of bond metersprobes and the available tips including the BKP-J rounded tip for our Kelvin probes, visit the Grounding & Bonding area of our website or Contact Us.


Advanced Energy Editor

Advanced Energy
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