
TEGAM Launches 50 MHz PXI Instrumentation Amplifier

已发布 十月 08, 2007

Advanced Energy's TEGAM just released its first PXI product, with the launch of the Model 4040A 50MHz PXI Instrumentation Amplifier. Designed to expand the measurement range of PXI digitizers and analog inputs, the Model 4040A offers 100V differential inputs with 70dB of CMRR. The bandwidth ranges from DC-50 MHz with programmable gain, attenuation, offset and filters. For more specifications of the Model 4040A, visit this page. The TEGAM Model 4040A comes complete with VISA compliant drivers for LabVIEW8, Microsoft C++ and Visual Basic. In addition, an interactive front panel VI provides manual control of all of the board’s features. Key specifications of the Model 4040A include:

  • Differential 100 V Common Mode Input
  • DC-50 MHz Bandwidth
  • AC/DC Coupling
  • 1 MO and 50 O input impedance
  • Programmable Attenuation/Gain/ ÷100, ÷10, x1, x10, x100
  • Programmable Offset
  • 50 O Output

TEGAM is a proud member of the PXI Systems Alliance (PXISA), an industry consortium that promotes and maintains the PXI (PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation) standard. Since 1997, PXI has become the industry standard for modular measurement and automation applications. TEGAM’s specific areas of expertise include waveform generators, precision amplifiers, RF power calibration and low level measurements. For more information on the PXI Systems Alliance, go to http://www.pxisa.org

For more information, contact us or visit our website.



Advanced Energy Industries, Inc.(纳斯达克股票代码:AEIS)是为关键任务应用和流程设计和制造高度工程化、精密电源转换、测量和控制解决方案的全球领先企业。Advanced Energy 的电源解决方案使客户能够在半导体设备、工业生产、医疗和生命科学、数据中心计算、网络和电信等众多行业的复杂应用中实现创新。凭借工程专有技术以及为全球客户提供的快速响应服务和支持,公司建立了合作伙伴关系,以满足技术进步的需求,推动客户的增长,并创新未来的电源。先进能源公司四十年来一直致力于完善电力系统。公司总部位于美国科罗拉多州丹佛市。


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