Greg Tolentino Promoted to RF Power Products Manager at TEGAM, Inc
게시됨 1월 03, 2018

GENEVA, Ohio–(BUSINESS WIRE)–TEGAM, Inc., a world-wide leader in the design and manufacture of test, measurement and calibration instrumentation, announces the promotion of Greg Tolentino to RF Product Manager. Greg will change focus from managing TEGAM’s thermometry product line to managing the growing PMX and HPC lines of low- and high-power RF and Microwave calibration systems.
Greg Tolentino has 10 years’ experience as a calibration technician in US Air Force and commercial labs where he dealt with RF and waveform analysis equipment. His technical expertise is bolstered by undergraduate and graduate degrees in business. Greg joined TEGAM in 2013 and supported TEGAM’s bond meters, microohmmeters, and digital thermometry product lines. He was promoted to Product Manager in 2017 and was instrumental in the development of TEGAM’s innovative 931B Bluetooth thermometer, orchestrating several large-scale integrations of the instrument with major food-industry partners. President Adam Fleder states, “Considering the insight into business development that Greg has demonstrated in the launch of TEGAM’s Handheld Thermometry product line, it was only logical to offer Greg the new RF role.”
“Planes fly, mobile phones connect, and first responders can communicate because of RF power sensors that are calibrated and verified on TEGAM’s PMX system. We have spent decades building our expertise and calibration capability, which now extends from DC to 50 GHz, and from microwatts to kilowatts.”
The TEGAM PMX system is the leading solution for RF power sensor calibration, supporting over 250 sensors from all major manufacturers. PMX has extended the market-leading capabilities of the TEGAM/Weinschel System II by adding a complete family of new sensors and calibrators covering 9kHz to 50 GHz, and providing unparalleled software integration. The HPC system combines the 1314A flow calorimeter with thermistor-based transfer standards and software to offer the lowest uncertainty possible for through-line RF wattmeter and sensor calibrations through 250 W.
“Advanced Energy's TEGAM is a trusted provider of products and services to every branch of the US Military, and Greg Tolentino has valuable insight into these specific military needs,” Andy Brush says. “Greg’s unique perspective and ability to communicate those needs to TEGAM’s engineers have helped us to improve existing products as well as develop new products that have positively impacted all of our customers.”
For more information, contact us here.
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