
Sales Conference In Philadelphia, PA

投稿 8月 14, 2017

SL Power Hosts Second “Together We Have the Power to Win” Sales Conference In Philadelphia, PA.

SL Power Electronics is pleased to announce the successful execution of its second Sales Conference of 2017. The event took place on August 8th in the beautiful city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The audience consisted of local representatives and distributors who joined the SL Power team for a productive day of learning and collaboration.

“The theme of this year’s Sales Conferences’, ‘TOGETHER WE HAVE THE POWER TO WIN’, is a very powerful and meaningful message. At SL Power, we understand that our success, as well as the success of our channel partners, is powered by a collaborative partnership.” – Jim Hamblin, Channel Sales Manager.

The SL Power team delivered meaningful content centered around market trends, new product development, marketing initiatives, and the unparalleled capabilities of the SL Power Application & Support team.

“Our channel partners have been very excited about the tremendous new growth opportunities available to them with our new products and solutions,” said Shrinidhi Chandrasekharan, Global Product Management & Marketing Director. “These conferences’ are an ideal way to collaborate with our partners and explore how our new products address emerging global power market trends.”

Presenters from SL Power included:

Shrinidhi Chandrasekharan Global Product Management & Marketing Director
Lorenzo Cividino Global Applications & Support Director
Jim Hamblin Channel Sales Manager
Paul Kingsepp Product Manager, Test & Measurement
Maggie Nadjmi Product Manager, LED
Ernest Grechanik MarCom Manager

In addition to these presenters, Tim Croal (President of SL Power) and Karim Alhusseini (VP of Sales and Marketing) were in attendance. This reinforces SL Power’s strong commitment with their channel partners from the highest levels of the organization.

Congratulations to our lucky raffle winners!

Barbara Belli
Winner of the first Amazon Echo raffle among attendees who successfully completed our survey.
Brian Jones
Winner of the second Amazon Echo raffle among attendees who correctly answered quiz questions.


Together We Have the Power to Win!



アドバンストエナジーインダストリーズ社(Nasdaq: AEIS)は、ミッションクリティカルなアプリケーションやプロセス向けの高度に設計された高精度電力変換、計測、制御ソリューションの設計および製造における世界的リーダーです。アドバンスドエナジーのパワーソリューションは、半導体装置、工業生産、医療、ライフサイエンス、データセンターコンピューティング、ネットワーキング、テレコミュニケーションなど、幅広い産業分野の複雑なアプリケーションにおける顧客の技術革新を可能にします。エンジニアリングのノウハウと、世界中のお客様への迅速なサービスとサポートにより、当社は技術の進歩に対応するための協力的パートナーシップを構築し、お客様の成長を促進し、電力の未来を革新します。アドバンストエナジーは40年にわたり、電力の完成に力を注いできました。本社は米国コロラド州デンバーにあります。


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